Monday 14 October 2013

Do Not Sell to Your Customer, Let them Sell Themselves

Dustin Jorgenson says that no one likes a pushy salesperson. It is not your job to hammer a potential customer into buying something, instead guide them into asking the right questions that will lead the customer to convincing themselves the product is right for them.

Dustin Jorgenson

Dustin Jorgenson’s Best Camping Tricks

Without a doubt, Dustin Jorgenson is a modern adventurer. Since his youth, he has enjoyed playing outdoors. He would climb trees, raise animals and play all kinds of sports with his friends and family members.

“I love the outdoors and the things you can learn out there,” said Dustin Jorgenson.

One thing he enjoys above all is camping. Camping has always been a big part of Dustin Jorgenson’s life and here are his best camping tips:

It is all in the clothes. Dustin Jorgenson says that before you set one foot onto the campsite, you must prepare yourself. Depending on the time of year that you go camping, you need to dress yourself for the weather you are expecting. Bundle up if it is going to be cold, or make sure you dress up enough to protect yourself from the elements. Jeans and long-sleeved shirts are best, while tennis shoes or boots are best to protect your feet.

It is all in the gear. Dustin Jorgenson recommends it is important to pack the right kind of camping gear for your trip. You will need a tent big enough for all of your guests. You will also need the right kind of sleeping bag, and depending on the weather, you may need one that is warmer or cooler. You will also need to make sure you have a cooler, cooking instruments, flashlights, and other gear.

Set up camp before it gets dark. Dustin Jorgenson advises that you make sure that you arrive at your campsite before it gets dark. It will be much easier to put up your tent in the light!

Leave like you were never there. Your campsite is a part of nature, and Dustin Jorgenson says it is important to make sure to keep it clean.

Dustin Jorgenson hopes you have a successful camping trip!

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